Hilo Bay before Sunrise

Tree near South Point. South Point is the southmost place in United States. Strong wind blows the tree into this interesting shape.

Sleeping Turtle at Punalu'u Black Sand Beach

Turtle on a Rock at Punalu'u Black Sand Beach

Sunrise at Kona

Punalu'u Black Sand Beach Sunset

Lava Tree State Monument | This park has some very impressive trees.

Coconut Tree Roots | The photo was taken at Boiling Pots

Farm near Paauilo along Highway 19

Farm near Waimea | The photo was taken at late afternoon along the highway 19 to east of Waimea.

Sunset at Spencer Beach

Sunrise at Saddle Road | Saddle Road is lonely, windy and cold.

Sunrise at Saddle Road

Mo'okini Heiau | Pa'ao introduced the concept of human sacrifice around 11th or 12th century. Here, he built the Mo'okini Heiau, where countless people were put to death. To get here, a SUV is needed. It does not have to be 4WD but a regular sedan won't make it. The place was very peaceful and free of tourists.

Pu'ukohola Heiau at Spencer Beach

Sleeping Turtle at 'Anaeho'omalu Bay (A-Bay)

Sleeping Turtles at 'Anaeho'omalu Bay (A-Bay)