On July 2, 2020, we did a 2-night backpacking trip via Piute Pass Trail to Desolation Lake. The view was beautiful close and after Piute Pass. After setting up the camp, we hiked to GPS spot N37° 16.703' W118° 43.453' to take a sunset photo (the photo is in this page). From this viewpoint, one can see multiple lakes including Roget Lake, Blanc Lake, Lorraine Lake, Paris Lake, Puppet Lake and Alsace Lake. I assume the same spot is also good for sunrise. It was not easy to get there though as one had to go up and down rocky hill multiple times. If you do want to try sunset, expect to hike in the dark for 1 hour back to you tent.
On second day, we summitted the Pilot Knob. It took us 7 hours round trip from our tent. As any class 2 climbing, it was strenuous. The view, however, rewarded every effort we spent. If you happen to be in this area, do not ignore this peak.
My GPS track, Pilot Knob.gpx, can be downloaded from GPS Tracks Collection. Note that our descending route from the peak actually went to bushes. If I did it again, I would use the same ascending route to return.

On top of Pilot Knob

Sunset looking down to Roget Lake, Blanc Lake, Lorraine Lake, Paris Lake, Puppet Lake and Alsace Lake.

Sunset at Desolation Lake

Sunset at Desolation Lake with Mount Humphreys at background