We spent three nights in Havasupai Indian Reservation in Havasu Canyon during the 2012 Christmas long weekend to see the spectacular blue-green waterfalls located deep in the heart of the Canyon.
There are 4 major falls in the area: Havasu Falls, Mooney Falls, Beaver Falls, and Little Navajo Falls. The area is so stunningly beautiful that I think my pictures do not do its justice. You have to be there to experience its beauty.
The Indian village of Supai next to the falls is the most isolated village in United States that still uses mules to carry mails. There are only three ways to get here: by helicopter, mule rides, or on foot. Without any hesitation, we chose to hike in. The hike from the Hualapai Hilltop trailhead to the campground is about 10 miles. After the initial two miles of rocky descent, the rest of trail is mostly flat. It took us about 4 hours to get to the campground. In the village there is a small visitor center where you can stop by to pay fees, get maps, and use the modern restroom.
For accommodation, you may choose to stay in the lodge in the village or camp. The campground is 2 miles further past the village. In my opinion, it offers better location as it is closer to all the falls. If you stay in the lodge for multiple days, you would have to hike at least 4 extra miles everyday to see the falls.
The hike to Beaver Falls is about 3 miles one-way from the campground and a must-do in my opinion. Due to the longer hiking distance, I only took a single 24-105 lens on a full frame camera body, which I found, sufficed 99% of the time, but I did wish I had brought the telephoto lens a few times. If I were to do the trip again, I would take two lenses: 17-40 and 70-200 F4. Tripod and polarizer are absolutely needed for better pictures.
In addition, I would highly recommend the cafeteria next to the lodge. In such a remote place where food and beverages are carried in by mules, the price is quite reasonable, and even surprisingly cheaper than the cafe next to my office in Los Angeles. The quality of the food in the cafe is completely beyond our expectations -- at least for breakfast items. The dining room and restroom are also very clean and warm.

Havasu Falls | Early morning.

Havasu Falls

Havasu Falls

Beaver Falls and Fall Foilage

Mooney Falls

Wooden Bridge on Beaver Falls Trail

Navajo Falls

Terraces at Navajo Falls

Small Water Falls on Beaver Falls Trail

Terrace at Mooney Falls Area

Bottom of Havasu Falls

Beaver Falls and Fall Foliage